This file contains two examples of motion declatation, rotational and linear: 1. Rotational motion --uns ... !q[rad/s] = 0 + 4.88795 * cos(280.05912 * t + 0.1) -dof.angular.pitch.rate.motion rad 0 cos 4.88795 280.05912 0.1 !declare origin of motion point (the rotation declared above will performed around the following coordinates) -dof.origin.of.motion 0.25 0 0 2. Linear motion emulating angle of attack of 1.25 degrees (note: cl/cd log items are calculated relative to the direction defined by "alpha" directive): --solve -eos air -p 101325.0 -T 288.0 -Mach 0.8 -alpha 0 -beta 0 ... --uns ! total velocity is 272.21 ! 1.25 deg AOA is effective vertical velocity = -(free stream velocity) * sin(AOA) ! w = - 5.939 ! 1.25 deg AOA is effective horizontal velocity = -(free stream velocity) * (1 - cos(AOA)) ! u = -(1-cos(1.25)) * 272.21 = -0.06477 -dof.velocity.motion -0.06477 0 -5.939